
Survey projects with EvaSys

EvaStud is a variant of the EvaSys software that can be used for scientific surveys. You probably already know it from the evaluation of seminars amd lectures. Students, doctoral candidates and scientists at the Ruhr-Universität can use it to conduct surveys as part of theses, dissertations or other research projects. The system can also be used by lecturers for teaching projects.

What does EvaSys do?

  • Online surveys with TAN
  • Online surveys with a fixed link
  • Surveys on paper
  • Simple descriptive reports
  • Export of data records to Excel (CSV) and SPSS

Advantages of using EvaSys

  • Online surveys run via RUB servers and have an RUB address (this creates trust among respondents).
  • Online surveys in RUB design.
  • Paper-and-pencil interviews will be scanned, and results are available very fast thanks to automatic form recognition.

Usage conditions

  • EvaStud accounts are limited to a validity period of one year. Upon request, this can be extended by one year at a time.
  • Successful participation in the online introductory course provided by the Method Center.
  • Agreement to the user agreement in the registration form
  • A valid login ID from IT.Services.

Important notes

  • The survey system is available exclusively for university use. Any other use, in particular for business, commercial or private purposes, is not permitted.
  • Surveys must be conducted within the university context.
  • Users are responsible for complying with all legal regulations regarding their surveys, in particular the provisions of copyright law and data protection.
  • Please pay particular attention to the user obligations regulated in the user agreement before using the survey system.

Use in classrooms

We suggest that you need all course participants to take the online introductory course as well. This can be accomplished by simply integrating the course's Moodle test into your Moodle course.

Third-party funded projects

EvaStud may be used in the context of third-party funded research projects. Please note that we have to charge a usage fee in this case. Please refer to the user agreement for the costs. In this case, an RUB "Finanzstelle" must be specified when registering.


Even with a high number of cases, paper-and-pencil surveys can be conducted using EvaStud's scan function. The questionnaires are converted into electronic data forms automatically.

Printing and scanning at the RUB print center (Druckzentrum) is required since the print and scan quality needs to be optimized for this.
Software is used by the Center for Research Methods to process the scan files made in the print center, and the resulting data is then made available in your EvaStud account.
The data is usually available to you within 2-3 working days of the scan at the print center. Please let us know in advance if scans are urgently needed.